5 Day Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse Breakdown
March 20-24
Day 1 & 2: Prepare
Whole Foods Eating
Day 3: Mono Eating Cleanse
Kitchari or Whole Food Eating + Tea and Broth
Day 4: Liquid Cleanse
Fresh Pressed Juice + Broth +Tea
Day 5: Rejuvenation
Gentle Post Cleanse Whole Food Eating
30 minute one on one phone consultation with Stacy Nunney-Certified Yoga/Ayurveda Specialist & Owner of Blue Moon Yoga Studio. This consultation is scheduled prior to the cleanse.
Ama Worksheet sent via email prior to consultation to see your starting point before the cleanse
Agni Worksheet sent via email prior to consultation to see how diet and lifestyle are affecting your digestive fire
Ayurveda Cleanse Manual with Dinacharya Practice for balance and harmony
Spring Shopping List must haves
Kitchari Recipe & Spices with Step-by-Step Directions
Special Classes Include:
Tuesday, March 18th Self Love Aromatherapy
Tuesday, March 25th Candlelight Restorative Yoga-Welcoming Spring
Only 5 participants for more ONE-ON-ONE attention/small group community
More Details on Sadhana Here
Sadhana + Cleanse
Looking to explore both practices at the same time! Enjoy coming into the new season! Setting you on the right path to enjoy the start of a new year in Spring!